Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student of Communication IAU, University, Tehran, Iran.

2 professor

3 Department of social communication sciences,Islamic Azad university,North Tehran Branch,Iran

4 Seda v Sima university



Scene design is one of the most important factors that plays a role in advancing the main goal of the story. Stage props, furniture, stage location, costume design, etc. are among the factors that play a role in stage design. Of course, the main tool of the stage designer is graphic elements. The stage designer must know and use these elements correctly. The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of the aesthetic architecture of TV scene design (light, color, content, attraction). Qualitative content analysis method is used in this study. Qualitative content analysis seeks to maintain the advantages of quantitative content analysis in the interpretation of qualitative texts. For this reason, first by posing questions and then by conducting library studies, defining the analysis unit, reducing data, using the categorization system, modifying the categorization system based on the data, presenting a report of qualitative data (using MAXQDA software). And finally, by presenting interpretations, analytical materials were presented about the researched texts. Based on the primary and selective codes, the categories of aesthetic criteria of stage design/aesthetic criteria of TV scene/stage preparation, staging, appropriateness of decor and content, lighting, color psychology were formed. Therefore, it can be said that decor has a direct relationship with the level of discussions that are exchanged in a TV show. Decor is the non-verbal language of the program, so it should be taken into consideration and the programmers should not deal with it superficially.


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