Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Women and Family Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran

3 Olom Tahghighat University



Considering the importance of maintaining the health of people in the society, the spread of public sports can help. The current research seeks to investigate the factors affecting gender attitudes in public sports. This research has been done with a quantitative approach and a survey method. The statistical population consists of women in Tehran who have been engaged in public sports in parks and sports clubs in the north, west, east, south and central regions. Based on the cluster sampling method, the regions of Tehran were divided into 5 regions. Cochran sampling method, 384 people were selected. The resulting data were analyzed using SPSS, AMOS software. The findings show that there is a significant relationship between following sports programs in the media and gender attitude towards sports (r=0.104). Also, there is an inverse significant relationship between the level of cultural development of the region and the gender attitude towards sports with (r=0.312). The relationship between family income and gender attitude towards sports is also significant and inverse with (r=-0.255). The relationship between education and gender attitude towards sports is also significant and inverse with (r=-0.219). The existing relationships are acceptable at a significance level lower than (sig≤0.05). In the analysis of the path, the family income variable has the most decreasing effects with a standard beta coefficient of -0.192 on the gender attitude towards sports. Knowing the effect of specific variables on this type of attitude can be effective in reducing the gender attitude and promote the promotion of sports.


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