Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor. Directing of group. Faculty of art and architecture. Tarbiat Modarres university .Iran


The present study aims to show how ideology leads to different and contradictory approaches to the West. In the play "Jaafar Khan Az farang bargashte" (1300), Jaffar Khan considers the West as the center of civilization and the highest point of cultural development, on the contrary, his family considers the West as a dystopia that not only has no signs of progress, but It is the center of destruction. The French and structuralist philosopher, Louis Althusser offered a new and different interpretation of ideology in relation to Marxist thinkers. Althusser defines ideology as the imaginary representation of people with real circumstances and believes that man and his identity are constructed by ideology. In his view, in the modern age, institutions such as the school, the family, etc., form the general ideology, even without them being aware of it. Hassan Moghaddam, in the play "Jaafar Khan az farang bargashteh" shows the conflict between these two types of views towards Farang or the West. These two opposing perceptions of the West seem to be constructed of two forms of ideology, one that sees the West as a utopia and the other as a dystopia. The present study, which is based on library sources and descriptive-qualitative method, first provides a comprehensive interpretation of the concept of ideology and Althusser theories, then focusing on the structure of the play, the role and effect of ideology on the thinking and approach of characters -as two opposite perceptions- examines and analyzes the West.


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