Document Type : Original Article



2 Assistant Prof. Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran; Tehran, Iran.


The main purpose of the present research is to understand the social and cultural context of the ethnocentrism, and its discursive and semantic implications in the Balochistan of Iran. The results of this ethnographic research show that ethnocentrism among the baloch tribes can be understand from two perspective; First, this phenomenon can be considered as essential mechanism for maintaining the baloch communities in the face of the real or imagination threat of the neighbor groups that they perceive as foreigners or enemies; and that it can be seen as instrumental in the hands of the baloch chieftains in order to preserve the supremacy and reproduce their high status in the local political power structure. The findings, more specifically, show that the ethnocentrism and self-orientation of the baloch tribes, following of various discursive and semantic implications, has always been in the baloch's life. We have discussed this in several main categories; these are: 1) Dignity of the Territory and preservation of it; 2) The sequence of battle with real or imagined enemies; 3) Strengthening, consolidating and promoting the idea of ethnic superiority against the humiliation of others; 4) Preserving and reproducing myths, symbols and proud ethnic memories.
