
Today's media are able to influence the thoughts and behavior of many people in the world with their information. That is why the media in preparing and publishing news always seek to spread and promote their ideas and thoughts and transmit it to others. Highlighting research emphasizes that there is a relationship between media priority and public priority. In other words, the event and the issue to be covered by the media are also very important to the public opinion.
The purpose of this article is to examine the extent and manner of gender mainstreaming in the field of sports. For this purpose, the news, articles and photos published in the country's widely circulated newspaper during the time of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games have been studied. Content analysis method has been used to collect information.
The most important findings of the research indicate that the newspaper in its news and photos, both in terms of number and type of emphasis, has treated men's and women's sports differently and has highlighted men's sports. In this article, using hegemonic theory, the type and amount of coverage of sports events in the newspaper is emphasized. Thus, the present article has contributed to the growing literature of media studies.
