
1 Tehran university

2 M.A Tehran university


  In this paper to study of the behavior of individuals in the virtual space these questions are asked: what effect the virtual space of the chat rooms, as an anonymous text-based space, has on the ways of self-expressions of the participants? In a other words, could this kind of relation lead to self- disclosure and friendly behaviors between the participants? To answer the question by deploying theory of social information processing of " Joseph Walter " a theoretical model has been framed from which four hypotheses have been extracted. To evaluate these hypotheses the survey using online questionnaire has been used. The results show that the physical absence of participants not only cannot prevent them  to interact emotional and social messages but also those experienced ones  by using  the skill necessary learn how to change the verbal and non-verbal signs  in face to face interaction to the text and to communicate their personal and emotional traits. Similarly, the participants simultaneously learn disclose and play their role and make it as the best opportunity to state what they can't state in the real world
