
1 Phd student

2 Allameh tabtabei university


On the eve of September 24th  2006 , after the first year of governing by the 9th government, rumours spread about a cabinet reshuffling of ministers led to the resignation of the welfare minister. At the moment the decision was made newspapers for the following day were already being printed. On the morning of September 25th 2006 it was clear that although this news was reported on TV and radio, newspaper readers could not find this news in their favorite newspapers. Therefore, newspaper readers had to wait until the morning of September 26th 2006 to read about this story. This paper investigates a selection of the newspaper headlines printed about this important event on the front pages of the morning newspapers on September 26th, 2006. 24 hours after the dissemination of this news, it had lost its timeliness , but because of its importance it had to be printed. Attention will also be paid to the hours during which the news story broke and the comments in the national news agencies and the 
ettelaat newspaper which was printed on the evening of September 25th, 2006.
