Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor,Research Institute of Culture, Art & Communications


This paper studies the effect of dominant and competing discourses in the Value-orientation (1981-1989) on the clothing of women and it`s aesthetic. The paper by applying Laclau and Mouffe and discourse analysis method and Fairclough's critical discourse analysis has analyzed the power institution in the mentioned period and it`s discursive practices to influence on the dress and clothing of women. The way of identification to the women dress based on the definition of articulated signs In the Value-oriented discursive space and the way of applying agenda-setting and exclusion methods has been analyzed. The discursive practices of competing discourse in it`s discursive space are analyzed too. The results show that value-oriented discourse has underlined the women dress aesthetic according to extreme Islamic veil by ideological signs and excluded the competing sub- discourse. Competing sub- discourse insisted on the establishment of women dress aesthetic in moderate Islamic form of veil. The result of this confrontation led to mass orientation of religious- traditionalist women to the extreme Islamic veil and new phenomena like political hijab (veil) and some forms of resistance in women veil.


Laclau, E. & Chantal mouffe (1985), Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. London: verso.