Document Type : Original Article


PhD Candidate of marketing management, Faculty of Management and accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


One of the most controversial issues and challenges facing marketing activities in organizations is the lack of ethics in marketing activities. Ethical criteria in each society are based on their culture and Customs. Since our society is an Islamic society, this paper attempts to develop a comprehensive model for identifying ethical audit scales in marketing activities from the point of view of Islam. The research in the field of Islamic human sciences is inductive and has been carried out in the form of thematic analysis using reliable Islamic texts. The results showed that 180 initial statement on the subject in the Islamic texts were extracted. After integrating similarities and removing some unbiased identifiers, 32 themes and indexes in the form of the four themes of Islamic pricing (NAJSH Forbidden, Negation of price discrimination, Expensive selling, maintenance Mutual benefits...) Islamic promotion) Keep the promise, Destroy the competitor brand, Avoiding the lack of complete information, Simple Living, Avoiding unnecessary consumption, Transparent clear message…). Islamic distribution (negating the use of unnecessary intermediaries, creating value added by intermediaries, negating the necessary goods for people, product delivery on time). And ultimately, Islamic products (non-stabilization rules, non-waste rules, the production of high quality products, the prohibition of Ghashh in production, the principle of public requirements, the prohibition of GARAR, etc.) has been extracted.
