
1 sociology, Faculty of social sciences. Allameh Tabatabaei' university, Tehran. Iran

2 Allameh Tabtabaei University


By using phenomenological approach ,this research tries to examine the lived-experience of a group of people, which have been chosen to continue their education in a higher level, and as a result have been encountered with belated economic independency, in other word, this decision has been put them in a situation which can be called, ‘suspended independency’. Moreover, our focus here is on examining and assessing different types of strategies of coping with this situation, and finally, find out which strategy is the most vulnerable one. Our results have been shown that the idea of the higher education as a reliable way to ensure social mobility, has been encountered with real difficulties and for the most of the students, continuing their study has become a real challenge. Variables such as social capital, access to demanding skills and credentials and etc. are effective in following a certain strategy. Amongst these strategies, the most common one is ‘give up and return to home’, which at the same time is the most vulnerable strategy too.



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