
1 Director of Social Psychology, Research Institute for Humanities and Social Studies, ACECR

2 Kharazmi University


This article is the result of a study in which all school textbooks of Iran were studied in the academic year of 1994-94. In the study, a total of 92 textbooks including 12641 pages were examined using quantitative content analysis method. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze communications related to "social rights" and "citizen's assignments" in textbooks. We have used two "highlighting" and "planting" theories to explain the findings. The most important findings are the following: in contrast to the four social rights for citizens, they are assigned 15 assignments. In contrast to 44 citizenship rights that have been repeated in various textbooks, 658 have been given in textbooks. By examining the most important documents in the upstream country, the constitution, the 20-year vision document and the country's comprehensive scientific plan, we find that the ratio of the right to the textbook does not correspond to the upstream documents. Textbooks seem to be primarily aimed at "planting" the notion of citizenship, so that they are right.


-         Marshal, Thomas.T.(1950).Citizenship and social class and other essays.Cambrige: university press.
-         MC lean, I (1996) oxford Dictionary of Politics, OUP.