


this article is a suggestion on multi-sited ethnography for multi-cultural ethnicity in Iran. I study on this method by the way that Marcus suggested but I stressed on Marxism to draw an utopia which will be make by friendship rather than capitalistic hegemony in social relations. I mixed Marxian Critic on capital(s) and foucauldian critic on power to have a critic of culture-centrist hegemony. My suggestion has been made in my field work on "friendship" (among men) from 2014 to 2015 in multi-sites like dormitory, barracks, gymnasium, café, student housing, public baths, inns, etc. I want to make a multi-sited ethnography that includes non-places (Marc Augé) with heterotopic (Foucault) situation (Debord). I named this method: "lifegraphy". I do my lifegraphy in many trips among Tehran, Kurdish region and Azerbaijan. My lifegraphy is about male - male friendships, some things like Foucault's "Lives of Infamous" and Delouz's "a life". I mix them together


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