Document Type : Original Article


1 Kerman Shahid Bahonar University

2 Cinema & Animation Department, Arts & Architecture Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Many adaptive adaptive studies are interdisciplinary studies that rely on concepts such as interpersonal comparisons of literary sources and adaptation films. Georgetown's Extensive Text Theory is one of the most important ideas in intertextual adaptation, which considers the changes that have taken place in the adaptation process, considering the original text as a subtext and a cinematic work. Considering the advantage and applicability of this theory in the adaptive analysis of text and media, this paper, after analyzing the intertextual adaptation discussions, by comparative study of the storytelling narrative of "Ashab Okhdod" fiction and the cinematic animation of the "Fehrest Moghaddas", by descriptive-analytical method , Categorized and evaluated the types of gestures in the process of adaptation. Based on the results of analyzes and judgments, the adopter has succeeded in translating its intellectual and value system into a widespread audience with the maximum use of quantitative measures and frequent valuations.


  • Génette, Gérqrd(1997). Palimpsests: Literature in the second Degree Channa Newman and Claude Doubinsky(Trs). Gerald Prince(Fwd). US. University of Nebraska Press.