Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch

2 Assistant professor,Department of social communication sciences,Islamic Azad university,East Tehran Branch,Iran

3 Deputy Head of Cultural Affairs/Academic Center for Education, culture and Research (ACECR)


The aim of this study was to determine the social and cultural factors hindering successful verbal communication among couples dissatisfied with married life in the northeast of Tehran. 12 men and women with confirmatory and non-confirmatory sampling and available sampling and semi-structured interviews were studied based on the criteria for inclusion in the study to the extent of theoretical saturation. Thirty concepts were obtained in 13 categories. Causal conditions cause weak attachment, economic weakness, and poor sexual health. Also, personality factors and cultural factors are considered as interfering, and personal background, lack of self-sufficiency, family background are considered as background. Strategies provided by the interviewees, conversation, self-sacrifice, study and treatment, academic achievement. And it has been economic. Legal or emotional breakdown and divorce are the effects and consequences of unsuccessful verbal communication. Understanding the barriers to successful verbal communication can have practical implications for pathology and empowerment in the field of women and the family and help to understand the important role that communication skills play in the success of the marriage.
