Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in communication science - Allame-tabataba'i University

2 Professor In Faculty of communication science in Allame-tabataba'i University


Mobile phones are the initiators of a new era in the world of media. Traditional media has undergone many changes in both its structure and content level due to the diverse usages of mobile phones and features provided by this instrument for users.
"News" is one of the most common forms of content in the media. With mobile devices, it's now possible to produce, send, publish, receive and store news in written, audio and visual formats for all users with every level of skill. The present paper contains both theoretical and methodological analysis. In a methodological dimension inspired by similar studies, it has been tried to focus on the influences of mobile phones on news. In this section, methodological concepts of similar studies have been taken into account with a comparative approach. The second dimension attempts to introduce new types of news in journalism or mobile journalism. In the second section, evidencesfor the distinctionsbetween mobile journalism and other forms of journalism has been investigated.
