Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


Media literacy is an issue that considers the audience's ability to understand how the media works and the sensemaking methods in them, and is trying to transform this analysis into a habit and task for the audience. Accordingly, the novelty and innovative of this concept has led to the global attention to modeling based on the needs of the audience and in this regard the present study has presented a model based on the country's native conditions. In this article, after introducing the concept of media literacy, emphasizing on the study method based on qualitative design by Grounded theory method and by extensive study of the leading countries patterns in this field by conducting fifteen semi-structured deep interviews with professors and experts in relevant fields and after content analysis, data were adjusted in three steps. The research results show that the model is based on 6 sections: 1- Elements of media literacy promotion include three levels: macro (including improving teaching methods, coherence and collective attitude in policy making and planning, creating national Internet,etc.), intermediate level (including group interaction with peers, training of educators and families), and micro level (including technological cognition, epistemological cognition, media cognition and content production) 2- Background factors (including individual characteristics and backgrounds), 3- Effective factors (categories of macro, intermediate and micro level factors), 4- Interventional factors (such as the role of government, laws and regulations), 5- Strategies (including Educational strategies, culture building, planning and implementation), and 6- Consequences (such as economic, social, cultural, political, etc.).
