Document Type : Original Article


1 phd Student

2 University of Tehran

3 Tehran Univrersity

4 Islamic Azad University


The purpose of this research is to show how the lifestyle of women is being represented in family magazines though advertising the beauty products. To this aim, we used Barthes's semiotic approach and the Giddens lifestyle theory to provide an answer to the question of whether advertising for beauty products, represent family-style magazines based on an erotic system of lifestyle. It should be noted that according to the research question, the indicators of lifestyle used in the explanation of advertisements are: social identity, individual identity and body management. The research unit of observation include current family magazines; such as Sib-e- Sabz, Zendegi-e- Ideal, Zendegi-e- Irani, Zendegi-e- Mosabat. Someofthe research findings show that advertisements for beauty products represent a female body as a sexual object, in which the narrative of sexual skills is presented to the audience. Thus, the woman’s body becomes an identity-maker, in which the sexual component becomes more and more objective.


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