Document Type : Original Article


1 Student

2 Assistant Professor of Shahid Chamran University

3 -Faculty member


Abstract: The current study was performed investigation of the relation between organizational culture and tendency to change in Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz’s personnel according to Hofsede Pattern. through the samples, 265 samples have been selected on the basis of Morgan and korjecy table as main samples. the method of investigation in this thesis, according to goals and subject is correlation descriptive method. We used both questionnaires. reliability coefficient of Hofsted’s and tendency to change’s questionnaires are 0/72 and 0/78 respectively. It was concluded that from the dimensions of Hofstede's organizational culture only the dimension of patriarchal /femininity, individualism /collectivism and the high /low power /power gap with the tendency to change the staff was not significant only in the aftermath of avoiding high /low uncertainty. therefore, it can be said that the staff of Shahid Chamran University have a tendency toward patriarchy. according to the results of the research it appears that the staff of Shahid Chamran University has moved towards collectivism and more cooperation has been observed among employees.


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