Document Type : Original Article


1 phd Student

2 Professor of Sociology, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University


Anomie is a condition in which society lacks common norms governing actions and behavior, conflict, and the weakness of the power of these rules.
The question of anomie and social factors affecting it is the main issue of this study, which has been studied using anomie theory. The statistical population of this study is Tehran citizens 18 years up to 2017. A sample of 400 people was selected from this community through multi-stage cluster sampling. The research method was survey and the data were collected using a questionnaire technique and along with it, secondary data were used.
Findings from citizen arbitration show that 47% assessed the state of society as highly and very anomic. Structural objective evidence also supports such an assessment and indicates repeated violations of social rules and regulations and ethical norms.
Explanatory findings of the study show that the 6 variables of perceived inequality, dissatisfaction, perceived weakness in social controls , individualism, weak religiosity and reduced social participation explain a total of 72% of changes in citizens' perceptions of the anomic state of society.


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