Document Type : Original Article





The main objective of this article is to understand the reason for covering consumption (different coverings and Hijabs) of the young girls in the city of Amol. It also attemptes to achieve the young girls’ perspective on covering codes and the typology of different patterns. In order to do so, in the theoretical section of the article, different patterns including “ GHODSI pattern“, “ MOGHAVEMATI pattern “, “ TALFIGHI pattern “ and “ORFI pattern “ have been differentiated. The qualitative method has been applied using interviews (individual-by group). The variables have been targeted with a theoretical saturation. Results show young girls have different meanings in choosing different clothing, therefore the overall results of the interview leads to 8 main categories including obeying the stereotype of Hijab, the pleasure of aesthetics, sociability, confronting social insecurity and a sexual approach to covering. This article also considers young girls’ approach to satellite channels. By order the most consumers of this media are “resistance pattern”, “secular pattern”, “combinational pattern” whereas the “sacred pattern” is the only group which has a severe approach towards satellite programs.


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