Document Type : Original Article





This article aims to analyze Siyahatnameh-ye EbrahimBeyk; an influential book on Iranian constitutional revolution as a medium for awakening people in Ghajarera. Furthermore, we want to know how the political and social & cultural situations of Ghajar were represented in the book. We use thematic analysis, a qualitative analytical method for identifying, analyzing and reporting patterns (themes) within data, to examine the themes and concepts of the text. In the first step, we identify and Generate Initial Codes. After creating and developing the codes, we search and produce meaningful themes. According to the themes, finally, we try to answer the research questions. Our main question is how the book represents the political and social &cultural conditions, we show it has had four functions: to describe the status quo, to illustrate the flaws of status quo, to present some solutions to overcome them and to depict an ideal situation. The second question is, how the content of the book can intrigue people for revolutionary activity. Introducing new concepts such as “law”, “progress”,civildisobedience” and so on and also comparing the situation in Iran with the other developed countries, are two important themes in Siyahatnameh that both can answer the last question.  



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