Document Type : Original Article


The modern subject in the realm of modernity with the ability of reflexivity and doubt in certainty, confronts to some special situations and implications, like "the problem of meaning". This paper conducts a narrative analyze on a novel written by Mostafa Mastoor, Rooye Mahe Khodavand Ra Beboos, with emphasis on the "problem of meaning". The article, after introducing the characters in the novel and finding a typology on the portion of confrontation to the question of meaning per each character, discusses about the process of events of novel based on "Todorov" model. The novel presents three types of subject: wandering, certain, and indifferent. Certain subjects in the novel's events, challenge Wandering subject and encounter uncertain beliefs of wandering subject to Pounding and persuasive answers. The novel events that support by the implied author and the author's selective point of view, eventually as the wandering subjects with help of certain subjects overcome to the question of meaning, confusion and doubt and once they return to their prior certainty beliefs and being prosper.
